British Values
At Hollywood Park Nursery School we value all out children and families. We promote mutual respect and are an inclusive setting. We want children to be independent learners so that they can make their own choices and build and develop strong relationships and friendships with many people. We expect our children to join in and try their best and to follow our simple rules. All these aspects are the foundations for growing into good citizens; enabling them to be fully equipped for modern British society.
The Department for Education (2014) outlined their commitment “to create and enforce an expectation on all schools to promote;” ‘ The Fundamental British Values” of:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
These five key British Values are embedded both within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum guidance and in the practice, principles and ethos of Hollywood Park Nursery School.
The approaches and strategies we use at Hollywood Park are reflected in our use of child-centred practices, one page profiles and our commitment to the Articles included in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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