Governors Information and Duties
Hollywood Park Nursery School Governors
Chair | J.Allerton (term of office 6.11.18-5.11.22) |
Vice- Chair | R.Bennett (term of office 10.03.2020-09.03.2024) |
Headteacher | C. Armstrong (term of office n/a) |
LEA Governor | J.Allerton |
Staff Governor | S.Garrick |
Co-Opted Governors | R. Bennett (term of office 10.03.2020-09.03.2024)
L.Harrison (term of office 16.03.2021- 15.03.2025) C.Scott (term of office 21.06.2022-20.06.2026) A-M Bartlett (term of office 21.06.2022- 20.06.2026) S. Stewart (term of office 15.03.2022-15.03.2026) |
Parent Governors | K. Curtis (term of office 07.12.2020- 05-12 -2024)
S.Clifford (term office 15.05.2022-15.05.2024) |
Associate Governor | M.Jones (term of office 20.6.2021 – 19.6.24) |
The Governors of Hollywood Park Nursery School meet three times each year.
Declaration of Business Interests
The Governors of Hollywood Park have declared 2 business interest.
Governance roles in other schools
James Allerton is a governor at Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Stockport
James Allerton is a governor at St James' Roman Catholic High School, Stockport
There are two committees covering areas for which the Governors have responsibility:
Resources Committee
Chair: Laura Harrison
Monitors the school budget
Monitors the state of the building
Risk Assessment
Health and Safety
School Asset Management Plan
School Development Plan
Teaching and Learning Committee
Chair: Ros Bennett
Monitors Curriculum
Monitors Reporting to Parents
Performance Review
School Development Plan
Attendance Record of Governors 21-22
Governors Remit and Responsibilities Document Sept 2022
Attendance Record of Governors 2020-21