Our Curriculum Ethos
Our Early Years curriculum provides opportunities for all our children to develop as competent, capable, confident learners and communicators; independent; healthy in body; mind and spirit; and secure in their sense of belonging; with high aspirations, who know how to make a valued contribution to their community and society.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the Themes and Principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage; the unique child, positive relationships and enabling environments; which allows us to develop a curriculum which meets the needs of all our children.
We aim to ensure that all children of Hollywood Park are happy, engaged, curious and eager to learn and that our curriculum is fully inclusive.
Through our child-led holistic curriculum, we provide an enabling environment that allows each child to display high levels of concentration, creativity, energy, and persistence. We believe that high levels of well-being and involvement lead to deep levels of thinking and learning which underpin child development.
The curriculum forms the strong foundation which underpins, guides and supports significant development, in a child’s learning and progress, leading to better outcomes in relationships and life in general.
At Hollywood Park Nursery School we believe that every child needs rich opportunities to initiate ideas, activities and time, so that they develop the learning characteristics that will support them through life.
Through the Early Years curriculum that we provide the children continually demonstrate their ability to:
- Play and Explore
- Learning Actively
- Create and Think Critically
Our aim is that all children will be inspired and motivated to actively participate in the curriculum; experiencing the enjoyment of learning and approach; successful transitions with confidence and character to meet the challenges of an ever changing world.
The pedagogies of Reggio Emilia, Vygotsky, Bruner, Bronfenbrenner, Froebel, Te Whariki and many more have influenced the practitioners of Hollywood Park. Allowing them to provide an interesting and varied curriculum through a rich and enabling environment; supporting children to learn through active engagement and exploration.