Accessiblity Plan
Priorities for the Accessibility Plan:
The priorities of the Accessibility Plan have been identified using information and feedback from:
- Parent Consultations
- Multi Agency meetings
- Health and Safety Inspections
- Service Reports
It has been written to ensure that the school identifies and prevents discriminating practices which might disadvantage vulnerable groups by creating or exacerbating inequalities and barriers to learning.
Children with disabilities are a potentially vulnerable group who can be disadvantaged if policies, procedures and practices within the school do not take account of, and seek to remove, barriers which could deny them the educational opportunities available to other children.
The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with other important policies, strategies and documents which are implicit within this plan.
They are:
- Equal; Opportunities (including Racial Equality) Policy
- Staff Development
- Health and Safety Policy (including procedures for administering medicines)
- Emergency Evacuation Procedures
- SEND / Inclusion Policy
- Behaviour Management Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Nursery School Brochure
- Aims and Vision
- School Improvement Plan
- Entitlement Framework
Please click here to read our Accessibility Plan in full:
Please click here to read the Entitlement Framework
Please contact us on 0161 – 480 – 3913 if you require further information.