Hollywood Park Nursery School

Start Well

What is Start Well

Start Well brings together Stockport’s early childhood services who will work together with families and communities to improve outcomes for children from
pregnancy through to starting school The Healthy Child Programme underpins the strategy and effective targeting of Start Well resources to support earlier identification of developmental need and timeliness of evidence based interventions. The Healthy Child Programme is aligned to the Greater Manchester Early Years Delivery Model and 8 Stage Assessment Pathway.


Start Well Health Visiting and Early Years locality teams

Start Well integrated locality teams (Health Visitors, Early Years & Start Well Coordinators aligned to midwifery) deliver the universal, early help and targeted offer to children aged 0-5 years and their families. The leadership and management structure has been set up in order to deliver an effective integrated model with service leads from different disciplines and by using a cultural model of restorative practice.

The approach to Children’s Centres in Stockport has evolved through greater integration of health and early years and the development of Start Well. There is now less emphasis on buildings and more emphasis on how integrated multi agency services are delivered within an area. The Start Well offer and teams have been developed in geographical areas according to need and demand. To support the development of the Start Well model we have two Start Well Hubs (Brinnington and Adswood) and three Start Well Satellites (Central,Belmont and Reddish). In communities where there is no Hub or Satellite, access to the Start Well offer and teams is available through the local Health Centre.

SEND Code of Practice sets out our legal responsibilities when supporting
children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs and disabilities. The guidance promotes inclusion, early identification and intervention. It complements the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Team Around the Early Years (TAEY) is our early intervention approach underpinned by restorative approaches which aims to support
children and families with emerging needs. The approach enables early years providers to access early help and support for their children and families.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets out the other main universal framework for professionals working with children in the
Early Years.

Early Years Entitlement includes work with partners to identify and implement
opportunities to improve the local childcare market and support the economic wellbeing of families. It is a priority to ensure geographically appropriately located early education and childcare offers that are high quality and
flexible to meet parental needs whilst maximising the take up of the 2, 3 and 4 year old entitlements.

Early Years Provision includes work to maintain a high number of settings Ofsted rated good or better, raising standards in early years settings in order to ensure all children start school ready to learn.